Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Dot Dot Dot
Things I am not looking forward to:
1. School starting next Monday
2. Loads and loads of math homework
3. School
Things I am looking forward to:
1. The Utes playing in the Sugar Bowl
2. Turning 22 (I guess, I'm always just excited for my birthday)
3. Starting school (just so I am that one step closer to being done!)
Things I hope for:
1. A date for my birthday, a date with someone new! haha
2. A not so tough school schedule
3. Fun plans for Spring Break!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
NKOTB Concert Again!
NKOTB Concert
Olivia and I started to make our way to the concert at 6:30 so we could be there at 7 when the doors opened. Well that was an adventure in itself. I ended up getting on the freeway on the carpool lane and our exit happened to be immediate once we got on the freeway. Well needless to say there was not way I could get across all five lanes of traffic that quickly, so we missed the exit. I ended up taking the next exit hoping that eventually we would get to Redwood Rd, and sure enough we did! There was even a sign that said E-center this way, so we knew we were going the right way! Well we made it, parked, got our signs ready and made our way to the entrance. Once we got there they took our signs away. How rude... I kinda figured they would but I was secretly hoping they wouldn't because we had so much fun making them! At least we were able to wear the shirts we made!
Anyways, once inside, Olivia and I fought the crowds of women to buy t-shirts! We each bought a t-shirt and I bought a key chain as well. Now all that was left was waiting for the show to begin. There were two opening acts. First was Lady Gaga. There really are no words for what we saw with her. It was definitely not appealing to a female audience. That is all... Natasha Beddingfield followed and she was quite amazing actually.
Finally, the men of the evening took the stage! After months of waiting for this day, they were finally there. Let me just say that the wait was more than worth it! Joey McIntyre is gorgeous! They sang every song we wanted them to so what more could we ask for? I have honestly never screamed so much in my life! My throat still hurts, two days later. Also I made sure I sang every word to every song (with the exception of two songs I didn't know). Olivia and I never sat down once NKOTB took the stage.
Some of the highlights were: Danny Wood break-dancing, some woman throwing a "I 'heart' Mormon Girls" t-shirt to Donny Wahlberg (which helped him introduce singing "Cover Girl"), being able to see their beautiful faces up close, Olivia and I being the only two in our entire section who knew every word to all of the new songs, Joey McIntyre wearing the same jacket he wore in the 90's, Olivia and I reacting the exact same way when they performed "Twisted" (our favorite song and again the only two dancing and singing along in the entire section cause everyone else sat down), and pretty much just Joey all around!
Monday, November 10, 2008
NKOTB, Here I Come!
Side note: One of my biggest pet peeves lately is when people hear me listening to NKOTB and ask why I'm listening to Backstreet Boys or NSYNC..... How rude. They don't even sound the same at all, and "The Block" is officially the coolest boy band ever. Joey McIntyre is definitely so much cuter than Lance Bass or Justin Timberlake.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Random Random Random
Halloween Gingerbread house?
Monday, October 20, 2008
7 Things I can do...
7. I can blink
6. I can facebook
5. I can multi-task
4. I can bake
3. I can cook
2. I can drink gallons of water daily
1. I can go through two or three tubes of chapstick each month.
7 Things I can't do...
7. I can't watch movie after movie after movie
6. I can't say no to texting
5. I can't resist a new pair of shoes
4. I can't focus on homework for longer than one hour
3. I can't stand sitting in lecture classes.
2. I can't wait till I no longer have roommates
1. I can't wait to have a kitchen all to myself
7 Things I LOVE about CEDAR CITY...
7. The weather (when it's not windy)
6. The size
5. The people
4. The red mountain in the east
3. The location
2. The fun
1. The weather (yes again, I love the snow here)
7 Things I say the most often are...
7. No I'm not bored, I have plenty of work
6. Lame
5. I miss you
4. I'm hungry
3. I'm cold
2. I can't wait to see you
1. He's so sweet :)
7 Celebrity Admirations...
7. Garth Brooks
6. Ellen Degeneres
5. Donny Walhberg
4. Danny Wood
3. Joey McIntyre
2. Jordan Knight
1. Jonathan Knight
7 Favorite Foods...
7. Cheesecake
6. Brownies
5. Cole Slaw
4. Cosa Vida
3. Tacos
2. Enchiladas
1. Fajitas
7 People to tag...
7. Amy
6. Liz
5. Aly
4. Heather
3. Kara
2. Olivia
1. anyone else :)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
SUU Meal Plan
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Who I am
Who am I?
I am: laying in bed.
I want: my back fixed.
I have: the bestest family and friends.
I wish: for good days.
I hate: filing paperwork.
I fear: falling on my face while walking down the sidewalk and breaking my nose. Ya, my nose of all things to fear breaking.
I hear: myself almost yelling at me while taking a test. My self talk gets really really loud in rooms that quiet.
I search: for a Mr. Right
I wonder: if I will ever finish school.
I always: put off homework when I shouldn't.
I usually: sink my five foot putts.
I dance: when i feel like it.
I sing: only when others can't hear me.
I never: find the right words to express myself. Words and Natalie just don't go well together, I would much rather speak with symbols.
I rarely: think before I speak. Bad habit for sure.
I cry: when I have death by orientation and intense math tests all in the same week.
I am not always: the first to admit I was wrong.
I need: shoes, shoes, shoes, and more shoes.
I should: sleep and most definitely should prepare for a night of studying.
I dream: of tall men.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Um What's the Word? Nerd?
Dear Math Majors,
We are holding a dinner in your honor this Wednesday, October 1. It is our Fall Semester Math Department Social; you'll pardon, I'm sure, the oxymoron that your associates in the lesser majors would easily identify in this title....
For all the tuition money you, your parents and your bankrupt (fiscally and morally) government are spending on SUU; for the countless hours you devote to homework instead of going to parties to which your major ensured you weren't invited anyway; for the fact that you burn more midnight oil than your roommates drink beer; for all your dedication to this beautiful subject of math and for your patience with us, your sometimes more, sometimes less-beloved teachers; I say, for all of this, we would like to feed you some meat.
But further, the Math Department faculty would like to have you come so we can get to know you on the social plane, that proverbially higher level in communal three-space that we are unable to reach in the ordinary classroom setting.
The dinner will be served in the ELC Conference Room, 4th floor, at 6 p.m. Please come just a few minutes early if you are bringing foodstuffs. We will provide ribs, chicken, potato wedges and drinks with the best in paper wares and plastic utensils. If you would like to bring along a salad or dessert to share, so much the better for all of us.
Weather permitting, those that would like to can take their food out to a lawn and there burn it off with maybe some Frisbee (oops - "novelty flying disc"), tossing of a football or two, or maybe even playing leapfrog and tag if the party should get as wild as we hope. Bring along some your favorite outdoor game if you'd like and wear some appropriate clothing if any of this is of interest to you; frog costumes are fine and even smiled on.
Please feel free to bring along your special other and - as I've hinted - something to share should you have any money left after Fall tuition. (Yes, yes, Top Ramen is fine - but please prepare it so that it can stay bounded on one portion of a plate.) At the risk of pushing redundancy to previously unknown levels, "please RSVP" to Robin (archibald@suu.edu) to let us know if you're coming and what, if you can, you will bring to share. Also, if any of your fellow majors are not reached by this email, we would greatly appreciate you letting them know about the social as well.
Thanks in advance for your company and for letting my team win in Ultimate Frisbee,
Hahahahaha! Most definitely a nerdy department I am in! Only math majors get such emails. Also I received another one similar a couple of weeks ago which included the following sentence: There have been a few changes in the Math Department over the summer (adding & subtracting professors and using the commutative property to change offices). The best part is how he incorporated the commutative propert! Bahaha, pure genius! lol
Now only someone who likes math as I do would find entertainment in such emails, but I came to the sad realization. The realization that perhaps I really am a nerd deep down inside somewhere. Though I don't show it like 5/6 of the department, but still it is there. But please feel free to disagree with me! I am completely okay with being told I really am not nerdy!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
8 Random Things!
8 Things I'm Passionate About: 1) Softball, 2) Family, 3) The Gospel, 4) My Girls (Shay, Olivia, Heather) 5) Not eating later than 8 PM, 6) My filing system at work (sometimes my co-workers think I am too protective of it!), 7) Volleyball (I play two or three times a week so I guess it had to make the list), 8) Not eating hot dogs and cake.
8 Words or Phrases I Say Often: 1) What the random, 2) For real?, 3) I win, 4) Um, 5) Why?, 6) IDK 7) Sweet, 8) What.
8 Things I Want to do Before I Die: 1) Go to culinary arts school, 2) Coach a state-champion softball team, 3) Have my own custom designed kitchen, 4) Go hunting, 5) Hike Kolob arch (only 14 miles, anyone want to join me?) 6) Finish college! 7) Leave the country (to go anywhere except where it's 90 degrees or warmer) 8) Have a family.
8 Things I Have Learned From My Past: 1) Weak things become strong, 2) Don't sit back and wait for life to happen to me, 3) Forgive and Forget, 4) Take in the good times, and learn from the bad, 5) Without the trials, I wouldn't be as happy as I am now, 6) School is expensive and not a waste of my time, 7) When things get hard, press forward 8) Dating can be frustrating but fun at the same time!
8 Places I Would Love to go See: 1) Wimbledon, 2) Washington DC, 3) Nashville, 4) Any European country, 5) Jerusalem, 6) The Narrows, 7) Africa, 8) The Moon.
8 Things I Currently Need or Want: 1) A Bachelors degree, 2) a Teaching license, 3) Shoes, 4) a Diamond (in ring, necklace, or earring form), 5) Milk, 6) Yogurt, 7) A new pair of pants, 8) a personal assistant.
I tag: Liz, Amy
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Epiphany (at least I think this is the proper use of this word)
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Family Home Evening
I have a new calling in my student ward now. They call this particular calling Family Home Evening "Grandma". Pretty much this calling is in charge of planning family home evenings and getting fhe groups together and things like that. It is going to be pretty fun and I am excited! So that is just an unpdate and a little background on the video!
So this video.... Well last Monday, the fhe activity was volleyball and slip 'n slide. With my latest back issue, I decided not to participate. So while everyone was getting ready for the slip 'n slide, I grabbed my camera. My friend, Jeremy, and I decided to make some videos of everyone going down the slide. Jeremy tied the camera to the camera bag strap and his belt so that the camera was in the middle and we held it across the slide and each stood on one side. This was the second attempt at video making. This first attempt, we tried to run down the hill with everyone, but the camera went all crazy like! So this is just a glimpse of what goes on at Family Home Evening in a singles ward. Well or even just a glimpse of me and my crazy friends!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
To My Dad
Not only did he help me with my passion, but he has always been there for all of his kids. I think the only time he has ever missed anything we have been in was when he had to go out of town for work. I feel so blessed to have such an amazing dad who loves his girls as much as he does. I guess he loves that boy too, but duh... what parent doesn't absolutely adore the baby of the family, especially if the baby is the only boy?
It's almost his birthday, and I don't think anything I can get him will ever be enough for all he has done for me. I only pray that I find someone to marry that is just like him. Though my mom says that we will be looking forever cause there is only one of him.
I also love his sense of humor. A friend of mine here in Cedar City who has met my dad told me once that my dad is probably one of the funniest guys he has ever met. I totally agree, however, Mom wishes we wouldn't encourage him so much! Anyways, I just wanted to do a little bragging on the best Dad in the world. I love you, Dad!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Not yet, but working that way!
HA HA HA HA HA! Right, working hard! I just don't feel good, that is my excuse!
Monday, August 4, 2008
The new place
Saturday was the craziest adventure ever! After a morning of organizing the kitchen and living room, Aly and I took two friends (Bubba and Seth) up to Aurora for the day. We stopped at the annual Hampton family reunion for some lunch and then went back to Aurora to ride Mom and Dad's new toys, 4-wheelers. Seth and I rode in the hills west of Aurora for oh about four hours and got Mom and Dad worried about us cause we got separated from the other two and they got off the mountain an hour before us. Oh it was so fun though! After we cleaned up as much as we could, we headed off to the Demolition Derby in Richfield. It was not the best derby ever, but it was pretty good and Bubba was a first time derby goer.
Anyways, after an exhausting day, we made it to Cedar City about 11:30 that night. Needless to say, we fought to stay awake the next morning at church. After church, I baked some cookies and got dinner ready for a birthday celebration for Seth. Some other friends came over as well and we had dinner and cake and ice cream. After we ate, (this might be totally random, but oh well) we had a coaster fight. My friends and I definitely have some crazy random fun when we get together and that is why I love them so much!
I will hopefully get some pictures of the new place posted soon (we don't have internet yet). Also some pictures of the crazy party our friends hosted last week with a cow. Ya, I know how that sounds and that is why it is so funny!
It sounds like Aly and I will be having a house warming party this weekend (her idea), so those who would be interested in coming, holla! We just need to get the place in order and decorated a bit! It is quite fun, we are definitely going to like this place
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I spent my first Pioneer Day somewhere besides Redmond, UT. I must say that I really was quite disappointed in the events here in Cedar City. The parade was just ok, I'm pretty sure Redmond's parade had more floats than Cedar City's. And the most disappointing part was the lack of a fireworks show. I guess Summer Games take all of Cedar City's firework budget! Though it did turn out to be a great day with friends! Some of my friends doubted my ability to be in charge of and host a potluck dinner, but it turned out really well.
Well July is winding down, which saddens me. I now only have three full weeks of play time before the studying begins on August 25th. For sure, my friends and I will make the most of the summer days we have left with things like volleyball (as often as possible :)), hiking, parties, and whatever other crazy ideas we come up with.
Alyson and I are moving the end of this week. I think I am more excited for this move than any other move ever! After living in a house full of ten girls for an entire year, I can't imagine anything worse. I am actually looking forward to only having four or five roommates (I never thought I would say that). And the best part of this will be having room for my food in the refrigerator. Sad as it is, I have been unable to have food in the fridge without it getting lost or eaten in about a year. I definitely will be posting pictures of the dump I live in now compared to the place I am moving into! I cannot wait.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
I have signed up to be a high school volleyball official. I think I would like the extra money, but not so sure I would like coaches being all up in my face. I guess they probably aren't too bad, but surely worse than those softball coaches. Especially since the floor official is so close to the benches. It only worries me a little. I am pretty sure I will be able to hold my own. After all, as long as I know every rule there is and pretend to know the ones I don't and go about it with confidence, no one will dare question me!
Since the summer days are going by too fast, I rarely go a day without finding an adventure, or a car to wash! Though as school approaches, so does that day I put on a cap and gown and receive a diploma. So happy day!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
I guess I did wash my car last night. I should have taken pictures of that for proof, but yet... I did take a picture of Bubba washing his car. That was the first he had washed his car in quite a while. Since before our trip to Kolob Reservoir where we got stuck in the mud! I honestly thought his car was tan, but it turns out it really is silver.
Here I sit at work, all alone. Stacy is sick, and the boss went down to St. George today. The monotonous duty of going through old paperwork and sorting through it is wearing on me. It is a good thing I get a break here and there to do something different. For example, yesterday I did new employee orientation (which I am an expert at since I have done it so many times!), and today I sat in my first interview from the employer side of things! Pretty soon they are going to have me doing my own interviews! Haha, just kidding (hopefully). Anyways, I am doing a pretty good job at avoiding the things I have to do today. I guess I would much rather blog than file and file and file and file and file. Hmmm, procrastination is a funny thing! I guess I can finally get to my point of this post! haha. Actually, I am not really sure the point, so never mind! haha. Look forward to some pictures soon though, hopefully!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
To Be Young Again
Friday, June 27, 2008
Family Reunions
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Heather is practically my twin sister. Knowing me implies that you know Heather. We like alot of the same things (except the color purple) and think the same way. All my random thoughts that nobody else understands and makes people think I'm just crazy are the kind of thoughts Heather appreciates the most. So I'd say Heather and I are meant to be besties for ever! I love ya, Heather!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Crazy Life!


Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Kalai Concert
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Adventures of the Random Drive

Well we explored the area a little bit and then decided we were all hungry. We hadn't planned on such a long adventure so none of us brought food. On our drive back to 'civilization', we stopped at a Zion's National Park view point. That view was amazing as well. And to think that if we had gone back the way we went up we would have missed all the fun! The road back was longer than expected but full of amazing views and natural formations. Eventually we ended up in Virgin so we decided to just head on down to St George for dinner since we were so close. We ate at Ruby Tuesdays. After our eight hour adventure, we made it home! What a great day it was!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Cutest Grandpa Ever!
During this dedication, some thoughts came to mind. The first one came to me when the lady next to me got a phone call on her cell phone. She didn't ignore it, but rather she answered the call and spoke to the person on the other end at quite a loud decible. The call was not short either. It probably lasted 4 or 5 minutes. So my thought was, do people not have any respect anymore? We were there to honor war veterans of the past and present. It is very disrespectful to even have a cell phone on during such special programs. It might help if parents taught their children how to be respectful at these kinds of occasions. Another thought was how grateful I am for the service men and women who protect our rights to have those cell phones and be able to answer them however disrespectful it may be. I am especially grateful for those service men closest to me, past and present. Thank you Grandpa Hales (WWII), Grandpa Johnson, (Korea) Uncle Ed (Vietnam), Uncle Wayne (Iraq), and Jay(Iraq).
Saturday, May 24, 2008
I work as a receptionist/secretary at a company called Chrysalis. The company is a state-funded provider for people with disabilities. We currently only have programs in Utah and Nevada. My office is in Cedar City. The people we provide services for are generally adults with mild retardation or acquired brain injury. Monday through Friday, those who do not have jobs come to the Day Program where they are supervised and learn job skills in hopes that these people can learn to live self-determined lives. Evenings and weekends, the people are supervised and learn skills for everyday life. These skills include personal hygiene, social skills, and money management.
As the secretary, I, along with the office manager, make the program run. We hire staff, make sure they are properly trained, file paperwork, data entry, and much more. Without the office staff (which now currently consists of two people), we would not be able to provide adequate support for the people we serve.
The people we serve in Cedar City are all male and make everyday a new experience at the office. Whether it be a conversation I have with them, or a piece of art they love to share with me. Also, rarely does a day pass when one of them doesn't ask me to be his girlfriend. They are awesome people and I enjoy being able to work with them.